Part 14: Staining the Bookcase

The trick to applying stain is getting complete coverage and wipe off the excess before the stain starts to dry. The solution is to break down the process into manageable steps. Here's how to get the job done.

Bead-Front Bookcase

Part 1: Bookcase Overview

Part 2: Choosing And Sizing Material

Part 3: Frame & Panel Joinery

Part 4: Prepping for the Panels

Part 5: Creating the Plywood Panels

Part 6: Assembling the Sides

Part 7: Cutting the Case Joinery

Part 8: Accurate Shelf Pin Holes

Part 9: Assembling the Case

Part 10: Beaded Trim Details

Part 11: Final Beading & Adding the Top

Part 12: All About Drawers

Part 13: Building the Drawers

Part 14: Staining the Bookcase

Part 15: Applying the Finish